Elizabeth pizzinato
About Elizabeth
An exceptional communicator, brand champion and marketing strategist, Elizabeth is a global executive with more than 25 years of expertise in developing brand communications and experiential marketing programs. She combines creative thinking, digital marketing savvy and storytelling skills to develop pioneering marketing solutions and customer experiences that drive revenue, enhance brand, and build market share.
With a background in public relations, Elizabeth has the unique ability to craft compelling and engaging messages across diverse audiences and for diverse purposes: from consumer engagement and reputational management to promotional materials and media outreach. She helps create brand communities that increase consumer loyalty, engender trust and open up conversations.
Elizabeth’s deep understanding of the luxury hospitality sector was honed over a 17-year award-winning career with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, where she led global brand and experiential marketing for the company across its 100 hotel, 36 country portfolio.
She holds a degree in Retail Business Management from Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario.
Overview of Services
Creation of brand strategy, mission, vision and values
Strategic marketing planning and execution, with a focus on customer engagement
Competitive analysis and customer journey mapping
Content marketing strategy and creation
Global public relations and media strategy that further enhances brand and build market share
Social media strategy and content development to create brand communities
Crisis communications and reputation management
Corporate communications: change management strategy and messaging
Executive speech writing
Media preparedness and strategic message development
Business strategy and intelligence; new market opportunity development
Design Thinking workshops focused on service enhancements, employee engagement and customer-centric services
Customer experience strategy and cross functional operational integration
Customized workshops on Brand Storytelling; Crisis Communications, Customer Service Excellence; Affluent Consumer Trends; Resilient Leadership; Effective Communications for Leaders
Leadership mentor and coach
Culture and employee engagement assessments
Internal brand strategy development and implementation planning
Internal communications planning, development and execution